
Sunday, June 28, 2009

Gavin's first swimming experience

My cousin Andre and I

Today we went to Grandma Joyce and Papa Dan's house to grill out! We all got a chance to try out the mini bike that Dan won at his Christmas party. It's a miniature motorcycle kind of like Jesse's old motorcycle (oh the memories!). I was a little nervous at first and couldn't get started going, so Joe had to come give me a push to get going. We should have taken a picture! Gavin didn't like it so much as it was a little noisy but everyone thought it was so funny to see each other ride on it that they were laughing so loud!
We also introduced the pool to Gavin this evening! Kasi bought Andre a wading pool for the backyard so we tried it out at Mom's house. It was so cute to watch them! Andre just wanted to splash which Gavin wasn't so fond of! But he loved the water! He is going to be such a good swimmer someday!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Father's Day

Check out my double chin!

Gavin playing-what a cute smile!

Daddy's favorite past time

Jesse had a great first Father's Day! We started off going to church! Gavin does really good in church usually, however, this day was a little different. He didn't want to be sitting down so much so Daddy was so nice and took him out to move around a little! Gavin gave Jesse an IPod Touch for Father's Day! What a spoiled Daddy! He even had it engraved with a special message! How sweet! Jesse had been hinting for a week that he would like this as a gift and even went as far as to tell me where I could purchase it! What a great wife he has! :)
Daddy and I on Father's Day

To celebrate, we had a backyard bbq for the dad's including Joe B., Dad, Ryan, Dan and of course, Jesse. We had a great time!
Gavin is also 3 months old now! Can't believe it!