
Friday, January 29, 2010

Firsts for Gavin

Mohawk by Daddy

Babysitting Avery

Gavin reading his baby Bible! How sweet!

Happy as can be!!

Gavin has recently been pulling himself up to the couch this past week! He thinks he is pretty hot stuff! He also will do a little crawling, normal crawling that is, not army, once in awhile. But he would much rather army crawl! He's so funny!

He had a couple of rough nights this week and a trip to the MD to see what was going on and found nothing! Glad for that! And has been much better sleeping thru the night since the MD appointment! Go figure!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Videos from Christmas

Sorry, Aunt Jennybu you crack me up!

Gavin's First Christmas

Gavin's new wagon from Grandma Kristie and Papa Dennis

Papa Dennis

Daddy and Gavin checking out his new push toy!

Like my new vest?

Gavin had a great first Christmas! He received many wonderful gifts! He most enjoyed playing with the wrapping paper, ribbons and bows, even more than exploring his new toys! He was fascinated by this! So for the future, wrapping paper and bows are all we need! :) Thanks to everyone who got to celebrate Jesus' birthday with us!

Uncle Joe's new hat!

Gavin, That's not your bottle!

I love the ribbon and bows!

Christmas at Grandma Joyce and Papa Dan's with Andre and Levi! I'm such a good smiler!

I am so cute with my new teeth!